
On November 5th, America demonstrated its desire to outlaw crime once more and remove progressive district attorneys

Nov. 5 wasn’t just a great night for America — it was a great night for law and order. 

LA voters, sick of the massive damage that woke DA George Gascón (once a Soros darling now abandoned by his benefactor) has done their city, handed him a crushing defeat.

Gascón eliminated cash bail and effectively legalized many low-level crimes, bringing a countywide 8% crime spike from 2019 to 2023, and an exodus of experienced prosecutors. 

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon
Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon lost his re-election bid. AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes

Now he met his deserved fate, and good riddance. We welcome efforts of winner Nathan Hochman to (in his words) “make crimes illegal again.”

And it’s not just Los Angeles.  

Monstrous Oakland DA Pamela Price, a race hustler who went soft on the brutal killers of an Asian toddler and hosted trainings attacking crime victims for being white, is out of a job too. 

Oakland voters sick of living in fear launched a recall effort; it succeeded Wednesday with almost 65% of the vote.

Nor is Cali’s crimefighting kick confined to gritty cities. 

Over 70% of voters statewide just passed Proposition 36, a rollback of the criminal justice “reforms” Cali saw implemented in 2014 as Prop 47 (Gascón was a co-author of 47; as always, the Golden State’s a pioneer of bad policy). 

This is great news for everyday Americans punished by the crime waves the left has unleashed, intensified after the 2020 riots.  

But it’s only a start: Far too many Soros picks remain in power. 

Like Philly DA Larry Krasner, who’s compared cops to organized criminals and overseen record homicides — but leapt into action against Elon Musk over his voter-registration lottery. 

Or Austin, where Soros darling Jose Garza has also overseen record homicides yet just won re-election. 

But the results from California show that these people, with time and patience and effort, can be beaten. 

For the sake of average Americans everywhere, they must be. 

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