
Protesters Opposing Israel Take Over Trump Tower: Letters

The Situation: Anti-Israel protesters demonstrating inside Trump Tower in Midtown this week.

What is it about liberal Democrats that they become petulant when things don’t go their way (“Detainee protest ‘a bust’ at Trump Tower,” March 14)?

They resort to protests, often without a clear understanding of their agenda. Unfortunately, they frequently escalate to violence, as highlighted by the recent attacks on Tesla dealerships. Now, President Trump’s New York skyscraper is a target as well.

When was the last instance of Republicans organizing protests — much less ones that turned violent? Democrats often reference the Jan. 6 insurrection as their only notable event.

Rob Cerone


Sen. Bernie Sanders and his group of left-wing Democrats love using the term: “oligarch.”

I would pose the question: Who funded the T-shirts and professionally designed signs at the Trump Tower protest? The quality of the materials raises suspicions.

So wealthy individuals are labeled “oligarchs” for supporting the GOP, yet if they back Democrats, they are simply “modest party donors”? What a double standard.

Sean P. Kelly


The protestors made a grave error by conducting their unlawful gathering in a residential business space. Trump might end up significantly wealthier once the civil lawsuits commence.

Robert Neglia

The Bronx

I disagree with assumptions that many protesters were from other countries, possibly here illegally. To me, the majority appeared to be American — which raises even more alarm.

Germany didn’t recruit outsiders during the 1930s, yet a Holocaust still happened. The presence of domestic protesters today amplifies the severity of the situation.

Chuck Levner


The NYPD should have demonstrated a more substantial presence to compel the protesters to disperse.
These individuals were trespassing. Those arrested must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Ron Heimer

Yuma, Ariz.

The Situation: Teachers’ union leader Randi Weingarten opposing potential cuts to the Department of Education.

Abolishing the Department of Education will finally unveil Randi Weingarten as a grifter exploiting taxpayers (“Randi’s Ridiculous Hogwash,” Editorial, March 13).

However, this may not be sufficient to halt waste. In my area, a large fraction of my property tax supports schools. Therefore, while federal tax reductions are beneficial, Democratic states will simply raise taxes to compensate for the deficit. Regardless of how much is trimmed, they always seem to have a fallback strategy to keep the funds flowing.

James Schwartz

Summit, NJ

Randi Weingarten has shown that clinging to power in public education comes at the cost of student education.

If education were truly her priority, Weingarten would endorse charter schools, penalize truancy, and elevate academic standards. Yet these challenges continue to afflict our educational systems.

Eileen Corr

Brewster, Mass.

Do you want to share your thoughts on today’s topics? Send your letters (including your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. All submissions are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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