Remove Jamaal Bowman from his position through the power of voting
Bogus Bowman
It is essential to defeat Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the June 25 Democratic primary (“Bowman’s 2-face politicking,” June 12).
The Post has highlighted Bowman’s anti-Israel stance and actions, as well as his misdemeanor. However, another reason to support his opponent George Latimer is Latimer’s clear qualifications for Congress.
During my time as Greenburgh town supervisor, I have frequently seen Latimer in Greenburgh, indicating his consistent presence whether in or out of office. In contrast, I have only encountered Rep. Bowman five times during his time representing Greenburgh in Congress.
Paul Feiner, Greenburgh
Free at last
I commend The Post for its recent editorial (“Attacking a Rescue?” June 11).
It is disheartening to see condemnations of Israel’s rescue efforts just because Palestinians were killed. I agree with The Post that the rescue mission should be celebrated by everyone who values life over death.
Sal Giarratani, Boston
Long COVID blame
I am still puzzled by former Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s failure to utilize available resources to reduce the deaths of many elderly individuals (“Andrew’s lies,” June 12).
He had access to various facilities like the Javits Center and field hospitals that could have been used to isolate patients. Unfortunately, these resources went underutilized while Cuomo focused on self-promotion through writing a book instead of implementing effective COVID policies.
Cuomo’s pride and negligence had a significant impact on New York’s COVID response.
Michael D’Auria, Bronxville
Cease-fire misstep
I am troubled by the Biden administration’s push for Israel to agree to a cease-fire with Hamas (“Never deal with Hamas devil,” Michael Goodwin, June 12).
Israel is being pressured to halt the war prematurely, leaving Hamas’s terror infrastructure intact. The consequences of such premature actions could lead to future casualties that could have been prevented.
Robert Frazer, Lancashire, UK
Join the club
Contrary to your editorial, “Vasan’s Dubious Mental-Health Vision” (June 11), clubhouses play a vital role in supporting individuals with serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression.
These spaces provide a supportive community for individuals to achieve stability. I have personally overseen the growth and development of these clubhouses, focusing on quality over quantity.
Previously, only a small fraction of New Yorkers with serious mental illnesses had access to clubhouses. We are working to change that by enhancing the clubhouse system’s effectiveness, tracking outcomes closely, and ensuring that members receive the support they need.
The Post’s critique of past mental health initiatives lacking effective outcomes tracking overlooks our commitment to improving mental health services and the support provided to those in need.
We welcome inquiries about our vision outlined in a comprehensive mental health plan. New Yorkers deserve an accurate understanding of our work, something that The Post missed in its assessment.
NYC Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan, Queens
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