
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Withdraws from Race and Throws Support Behind Trump: Readers’ Reactions

The Issue: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dropping out of the 2024 presidential race and endorsing Trump.

I was caught by surprise by the news that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is suspending his campaign for president and endorsing former President Donald Trump (“Crossing the aisle to Don,” Aug. 26).

I think many of my fellow Americans and Democrats were caught by surprise as well.

I think also many people do believe the Democratic Party has lost its way.

As Trump said, “Our movement is not about Democrat versus Republican, it’s about patriotism and common sense.”

Well, I totally agree. And as RFK Jr.’s uncle famously said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

What that means to me is that to make America great again, we need to vote for Trump.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.


RFK Jr. endorsing Donald Trump is a true example of a profile in courage.

His former party, in telling fashion, treated him poorly.

RFK Jr., former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and Elon Musk are now all on board with Trump.

There will be more who defect from team blue.

With bravery and eloquence, Kennedy took up the torch and will fight with Trump to make America healthy again.

He will bring a vast storehouse of knowledge and true dedication to his endeavors with Trump.

The future is a party of true unity for the people, not the deep swamp festering in DC currently.

Betsy Flor

Putnam Valley

While I am pleased that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has suspended his presidential campaign and is endorsing Donald Trump, why isn’t he able to end it completely?

I find it puzzling that Kennedy has to leave his name on ballots in some states, which have rejected his motions to remove them.

JoAnn Lee Frank

Clearwater, Fla.

The embarrassment and humiliation that RFK Jr. has thrust upon his family — through promoting crackpot conspiracy theories and anti-vaccine ideology — is now augmented with his dropping out of the presidential race and endorsing Donald Trump.

The Kennedy family has enjoyed a long friendship with President Biden, yet RFK Jr. has chosen to hitch himself to a man who is the antithesis of what his family has historically represented: selfless actions to enhance the lives of ordinary Americans rather than to use government for self-aggrandizement and enrichment.

Kennedy’s father would be ashamed.

Oren Spiegler

Peters Township, Pa.

Independents, do not forgot that President Trump grew up in a Democratic household in Queens and was himself a Democrat for many years (“RFK & Tulsi join transition team,” Aug. 28).

Fred Trump, his father, was a New York Democrat active in city politics in the 1960s and ’70s.

The elder Trump likely voted for and supported Robert Kennedy in 1965 in his winning bid for the US Senate in the state of New York.

Fred Trump was also a steady donor to Democrat Abe Beame, who was elected mayor of New York in 1974.

If anyone can reach across the aisle to the Democrats in Washington and find common ground, it is Trump. We are currently seeing that with Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr. Unity is important, folks.

Alex Saitta

Pickens, SC

Although I’m elated with the RFK Jr. endorsement that could bring up to six percentage points into the Trump column, let’s remember that the Harris campaign has raised $540 million in its first month.

I’m not ready to pop the champagne bottle for a Trump victory just yet.

Eugene R. Dunn


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