
The Surgeon General should not be solely responsible for gun policy decisions

The surgeon general, also known as the vice admiral of a uniformed service, is primarily functioning as a lobbyist who utilizes taxpayers’ money for lobbying purposes. Recently, he declared a gun-violence “public health emergency,” a clear indication of his lobbying activities.

Surgeon General Murthy, without the expertise of a firearms specialist or an elected official, has recommended numerous anti-gun violence measures that are beyond his jurisdiction as a medical doctor. Manhattan DA’s Office

If the surgeon general desires changes in gun laws, he should consider running for legislative positions like Congress or a state legislature. However, rather than engaging in the hard work of lawmaking, the vice admiral prefers to issue proclamations from a high vantage point. Despite the failure of the Biden administration to make progress on gun-control promises, Vice Admiral Murthy is actively advocating for measures like gun-control propaganda funding, mandatory gun discussions during medical consultations, and calls for new gun-control laws.

Despite his recommendations, Vice Admiral Murthy’s report lacks any actual medical insights into the issue. Instead, he focuses on pushing for laws related to gun control without addressing the underlying mental health issues driving violent crime in the US. The surgeon general should prioritize addressing the deficiencies in American psychiatric care within the public health sector, a critical aspect overlooked in his report.

President Biden’s efforts to reduce gun violence have proven largely ineffective since taking office. AFP via Getty Images

The debate around gun violence remains complex due to constitutional interpretations by the Supreme Court, creating challenges for progressive agendas seeking to strengthen gun regulations across different states. While violent crime rates in the US have shown improvement over the years, the Biden administration’s focus on framing the issue as a healthcare crisis diverts attention from law enforcement aspects.

The Commissioned Corps of the US Public Health Service, led by the surgeon general, includes mental health specialists who should play a more active role in addressing the mental health aspects of violent crimes. However, Vice Admiral Murthy’s report fails to acknowledge mental health as a significant contributor to crime, highlighting an oversight in addressing the root causes of violence.

The Supreme Court has upheld citizens’ right to bear arms, posing a challenge to gun-control advocates. REUTERS

The approach to tackling gun violence warrants a comprehensive strategy, including a focus on mental health services and addressing law enforcement challenges. Vice Admiral Murthy’s advocacy for stricter gun laws needs to be balanced with a deeper understanding of the underlying issues causing violence.

Overall, the surgeon general should refocus on his expertise in medicine and leave policy-making to elected officials in Congress to ensure a comprehensive and balanced approach to addressing gun violence issues.

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