
The unintended consequences of lockdown: increased post-COVID deaths

A group of Dutch medical researchers has ignited a firestorm by calling for an investigation of the deaths caused by vaccine mandates and lockdowns imposed on the public during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

What’s wrong with that?

Everything, if you’re part of the global public health mafia and want to avoid questions about the mistakes you made and the lies you told.

A group of Dutch researchers have called for an investigation of deaths caused by COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine mandates.
A group of Dutch researchers have called for an investigation of deaths caused by COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Jacob Ford/Odessa American via AP

We all saw Anthony Fauci squirming last week when he was forced to admit to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee that social-distancing rules — like the six-foot rule on which the lockdowns were based — were pulled out of thin air.

The Dutch researchers want answers.

They insist “every death needs to be acknowledged and accounted for,” including deaths caused by policy mistakes — the collateral damage from heavy-handed public health policies.

One conclusion is already crystal clear: Don’t entrust your life or health to the government.

The Dutch researchers examined data from 47 western countries, including the United States, and found that many months after the lockdowns began and vaccines were…

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