
Trump-Hannity Interview on ‘Solvable Issues’ Highlights Why Pessimistic Democrats Were Defeated

President Trump is absolutely correct about the challenges our nation faces: “They’re all solvable problems,” he stated in his first interview since assuming office with Sean Hannity.

This optimism deserves recognition.

It sharply contrasts with the “The End Is Nigh” mindset prevalent among Democrats concerning democracy, climate, and many other issues.

Even if we were truly facing a climate catastrophe and a resurgence of fascism (spoiler alert: we’re not), alarmist cries would not be the right response.

Yet Trump, ever the pragmatist, is concentrating on genuine, pressing issues — the very matters that secured him his mandate.

The border.



And the harmful social engineering surrounding race and gender.

All of which he has rightly highlighted in his second inaugural address.

And all of these issues are fixable, as our open borders, rampant inflation, continuous crime rates, and woke ideologies are not inevitable realities.

These arise from specific policy decisions enacted by his predecessor and the members of Joe Biden’s party down to the local levels.

Trump understands this.

Take note of his comprehensive array of Day 1 executive orders, aimed at practical solutions such as halting the influx of illegal immigration, breaking the Biden administration’s grip on energy, and dismantling the federal government’s endorsement and spread of harmful DEI ideology.

The left’s existing complaints about these actions stem not just from sensing significant policy setbacks.

They also challenge the narrative that we must accept unlimited illegal immigration — as if there were no alternative!

That Americans have to endure skyrocketing energy costs — there’s nothing we can do if we want to protect the planet!

And so forth.

Trump’s perspective also serves as a vital correction for many in his own party, who hesitate to take the necessary steps to rescue America from decline.

As Ronald Reagan expressed, “Let us go forth with good cheer and stout hearts — happy warriors out to reclaim a country and a world for freedom.”

This is precisely the message America needs to hear.

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