
Trump is Not the Radical — He’s Reversing Democratic Extremes

The biggest deception the Democrats ever managed was persuading the public that conservatives were the aggressors in American politics.

But their time for misdirection is over.

Following President Donald Trump’s signing of an executive order mandating that U.S. schools permit only females to compete in women’s sports, the usual critics took to their keyboards.

“Donald Trump enacts a transgender sports ban targeting less than 1% of student athletes,” commented the left-leaning site The Recount.

Washington’s Governor Bob Ferguson labeled the move “unlawful and cruel,” while his attorney general deemed it “dehumanizing.”

NPR ran a piece detailing how Trump was “restricting transgender rights.”

The narrative was as straightforward as it was pervasive: By signing this order, Trump supposedly initiated an unprovoked assault on a vulnerable community.

Absolute nonsense.

In reality, it was the Democrats who declared a cultural war against their political rivals, unapologetically waging it from the Oval Office.

Just hours after taking office a little over four years ago, President Joe Biden signed an executive order that claimed, “Children should be able to learn without worrying about being denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports.”

This can be rephrased as: Girls should not have the right to learn and compete without boys encroaching on their most private spaces.

A year and a half later, Biden’s follow-up came in the form of another executive order instructing the Department of Health and Human Services to “increase access” to euphemistically termed gender-affirming care.

In simpler terms, the last president of the United States redefined human biology, compelling a majority of American children to navigate the consequences of this fabrication, and pushing some to take irreversible actions to live it out.

Now that Trump has countered that injustice, are we really supposed to see him as a power-hungry villain?

That argument no longer holds water.

Americans have begun to recognize that, for the most part, it is not the right that is advocating for an agenda.

It is simply striving to safeguard reason from the left’s radical, minority-driven agenda.

As CNN’s Harry Enten noted during a revealing segment on the network, Trump’s initiative to protect women’s spaces and sports “is probably the most popular thing he’s ever done.”

Seventy-nine percent of Americans — including 67% of Democrats — endorsed the executive order Trump signed on Wednesday.

It’s an 80-20 issue, and Trump only acted after Biden attempted to impose his regressive policy on the nation.

This pattern is unfortunately familiar.

The left reacted similarly to the Trump administration’s reversal of environmental mandates and programs supported by his predecessor — including a misguided prohibition on new oil and gas drilling along America’s coastlines.

And to his reinstatement of military personnel removed due to Biden’s vaccine mandate.

And to his withdrawal of Biden’s initiatives to embed the principles of DEI into every facet of the federal government.

And to the open border policies that would have tarnished Biden’s legacy even without his other presidential failures.

However, their outcry has been largely ignored; Trump’s popularity continues to surge.

Not because the public agrees with every one of his actions, but because they recognize that much of what he is doing is simply addressing the harm caused by Biden’s executive overreach.

Over the past several decades, progressives have thrived on a false narrative.

Specifically, that their movement serves as a defense against an authoritarian trend intent on consolidating power in the presidency and robbing Americans of their liberties.

In reality, it has predominantly been the Democrats who have pursued ways to bypass the constitutional framework to impose their agenda.

This has largely taken shape through executive actions favored by Biden and Barack Obama (remember DACA?).

But it has also been advanced by the Supreme Court, which asserted its own authority in promoting progressive policies.

This strategy, supplemented by dramatic protests each time conservatives pushed back, yielded benefits for years.

However, the Democratic Party has now veered so far to the left — and caused so much destruction — that it has finally opened the eyes of Americans to its hypocrisy.

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