
Urgent: Time is Running Out for Iran’s Nuclear Deal

We sincerely hope that the leaders of Iran take President Donald Trump’s letter seriously, which calls for an immediate agreement to abandon their nuclear weapons programs.

This means not prolonging negotiations while hastily approaching the atomic “finish line,” and not engaging in delaying tactics such as demanding the removal of existing sanctions before talks can begin.

Trump was quite explicit: the tyrants of Tehran must provide completely verifiable evidence that their pursuit of nuclear weapons has ceased, or Washington (and Jerusalem) will intervene — and time is running out for them.

The most convincing evidence would be for the Iranians to allow Americans in to dismantle the existing facilities; otherwise, if they are not permitted, force will be necessary, which will likely result in significant damage.

Typical Western analysis often becomes bogged down in discussions about supposed “moderate” and “hardline” factions within the Iranian regime, and how we must maneuver to empower the alleged good actors. This approach (in addition to a multitude of other misconceptions) led to the disastrous Obama nuclear agreement with Iran.

Trump wisely circumvented this by addressing the one true decision-maker, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, directly.

Our president has been unequivocal: “We’re not going to let them acquire a nuclear weapon,” he stated last month.

And on Friday, he informed reporters, “We’re down to the final moments”; “something is going to happen very soon, very, very soon” — clearly indicating that either Tehran agrees to the necessary terms for “us to have a peace deal,” or “we must intervene militarily.”

Heed his words, Mr. Supreme Leader; discussions about lifting sanctions can happen once the nuclear threat is neutralized.

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