VP increased the fatal inauthenticity of her debate performance
The analysis of the first debate of the Trump-Harris presidential cycle suggests that Donald Trump did not perform well.
Trump, known for improvising, missed several opportunities, was imprecise, and allowed himself to be provoked by Kamala Harris.
However, Harris’ behavior during the debate was even more damaging.
If you watched the ABC debate on mute, you would have seen a display of disdain from Harris towards Trump as he spoke. Her behavior seemed unserious and unlikable, possibly for social media attention.
In truth, her actions may have a short-lived novelty and may not resonate well with voters in the long run.
While Harris’ facial expressions throughout the debate were meant to convey various emotions, they appeared forced and inauthentic, adding to the overall lack of authenticity in her performance.
Another Sybil
As Trump spoke, Harris displayed a range of expressions rapidly, almost like a person with multiple personalities.
Her facial expressions included incredulity, contempt, amusement, and even a smug smile, all within seconds.
Media pundits praised her body language, but to the average viewer, it seemed juvenile and insincere.

The New York Times described her various expressions positively, but many found her behavior unconvincing and insincere.
Harris’ exaggerated facial expressions were disrespectful towards her opponent and did not resonate well with viewers. The focus on her multitude of fake expressions only added to the confusion surrounding her true identity.
Her continual changes in persona and demeanor have contributed to a sense of mystery about her true character.