
What is hindering the performance of public schools?

Student enrollment in traditional public schools across America is at historically low levels, yet many states, cities, and districts are maintaining bloated staff and organizational structures that are not aligned with current realities.

Student-to-teacher ratios in major cities are at an all-time low. Shutterstock

Research on the 10 largest urban school districts and their states revealed that policymakers have implemented funding models that shield school districts from the financial consequences of declining student enrollments, a risky approach to budgeting.

Despite decreases in enrollment, costs per student have increased in various cities such as New York City, Houston, San Diego, Dallas, Austin, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Antonio, and Los Angeles. The number of public school teachers has also risen, with 3.8 million teachers in 2021 compared to 3.4 million in 2011 according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

As student enrollments decline in cities like Philadelphia and San Antonio, the student-to-teacher ratio has decreased. Public schools spent an average of $14,789 per pupil in 2020, a 9% increase from 2010. Additionally, many districts have increased non-instructional support staff, further adding to staffing levels.

Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg highlights the need for change in the public school system. via REUTERS

The existing staffing and budget models in urban school districts raise questions about where increased education funding should be allocated. The debate over whether smaller class sizes or higher salaries for teachers lead to better educational outcomes remains unresolved.

Efforts to reduce student-teacher ratios face opposition from teachers’ unions and other vested interests, hindering potential reform. Factors driving the decline in public school enrollment include the impact of COVID-19, growth in homeschooling options, stagnant birth rates, and dissatisfaction with the traditional public education system.

AFT President Randi Weingarten advocates for maintaining the education status quo. REUTERS

The rise of school choice options, increased competition, and changing demographics are reshaping the public education landscape. Traditional public schools must adapt to regain parental trust and address declining enrollments, or risk losing more students to alternative schooling options.

Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg emphasizes the urgent need for change in public education, calling it a “wake up” moment. 

Daniel DiSalvo is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and professor of political science at the City College of New York-CUNY.

Reade Ben is an economic policy analyst at the Manhattan Institute. 

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