
Wife Accused in Federal Corruption Trial

Senator Bob Menendez is facing accusations of various wrongdoing, but one thing he is not being called is the “Husband of the Year.”

In his latest federal corruption trial, his main defense is that his wife was the one responsible for everything.

He argues that his wife, Nadine Menendez, took all the bribes, although it doesn’t explain why he was involved in providing favors if she was the one benefiting.

According to his lawyers, Nadine Menendez kept her husband in the dark by withholding information and making him believe that nothing illegal was happening – even claiming he had no knowledge that she was hiding gold bars in their home.

This defense strategy contradicts Bob’s previous statement that storing gold bars was a “Cuban” tradition, and his lawyer had a forensic psychiatrist line up to testify that it was due to intergenerational trauma inherited from his family who fled tyranny in Cuba.

The lawyer now suggests that the gold bars were a cultural practice for Nadine, as her Lebanese family enjoys giving gold and other precious metals as gifts.

Despite facing separate trials, with Nadine’s trial being postponed due to her breast cancer treatment, the couple is still legally married, avoiding the need to testify against each other.

While Bob’s Senate career is coming to an end, with him not on the ballot for the upcoming Democratic primary and no serious plans for an independent run in November, there is a possibility that both he and Nadine may escape legal repercussions, as Bob had previously avoided conviction in his first corruption trial.

Whether they remain married or go their separate ways, Gold Bars will no longer be a member of the US Senate.

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