Will PEN Be Able to Survive in Gaza Despite EPA’s Efforts to Cause Power Outages? A Commentary
Speech desk: Can PEN Survive Gaza?
According to The Atlantic’s Gal Beckerman, it is “entirely possible that PEN America may not survive” the onslaught from pro-Hamas activists, leading to the forced cancellation of a festival. This is due to accusations that the free-speech group is too pro-Israel. Beckerman raises the question of whether an organization that prides itself on being above politics and as a support system for an open society can continue to exist when critics view it as a platform for their political opinions. Beckerman also points out that those trying to shut down PEN America might not fully understand the negative impact their actions could have on individuals like Aatish Taseer, who sought help from PEN America when Narendra Modi revoked his visa over a critical article Taseer wrote in Time.
From the right: EPA Driving for Power Outages
The Wall Street Journal’s editors report that new regulations from the EPA will lead to coal plants shutting down and new natural-gas plants being banned. One rule mandates that coal plants and new gas-fired plants must adopt expensive and unproven carbon-capture technology by 2032, exceeding the legal requirement that only “adequately demonstrated” technology can be imposed. This will discourage the development of new gas-fired plants while forcing existing coal plants, which generate about 16% of the nation’s power, to retire. This is happening at a time when there is a surge in demand for power due to new manufacturing needs and advancements in artificial intelligence. The Wall Street Journal predicts that Americans may face energy rationing in President Biden’s potential second term.
Campus beat: ‘Ignorant Lemmings’ in the Tents
Seth Mandel from Commentary criticizes the “pro-Palestine” college protests, highlighting the presence of bigoted sociopaths among the leaders and followers. Mandel expresses concern about policy changes being influenced by ignorant individuals. He mentions an encounter with NYU protesters who admit to lacking knowledge about the cause they are protesting for. Mandel calls for a stop to excusing the ignorance of those who support harmful ideologies.
Conservative: Biden Will Blink Again
National Review’s Jim Geraghty questions President Biden’s response to Russian GPS jamming over the Baltic Sea, suggesting that Biden’s avoidance of escalatory actions results in inaction. Geraghty proposes alternative measures like using US Cyber Command or disruptive actions to send a message to Russia. He criticizes the lack of will in the US to take necessary actions in response to provocations.
Mideast beat: Why Iran’s Targeting US Bases Again
According to Jonathan Sweet & Mark Toth at The Hill, Iran has resumed attacks on US assets in the Middle East due to the belief that it is safer to target US interests compared to Israeli targets. Sweet & Toth highlight Israel’s successful elimination of Hezbollah commanders and President Biden’s lack of deterrence against Iran’s aggression. They suggest that Iran’s objective is to dominate the region and create division between the US and Israel. The conflict extends to US universities, with Iran expanding its influence and trying to sow discord. Ultimately, Iran’s actions are driven by its desire for regional dominance rather than genuine concern for Palestine.
— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board