Neurologist Specializing in Light Therapy Unveils the Scientific Basis of Remarkable Brain Recoveries
Brandon Crawford discusses how the power of light can be used to heal brain disorders and injuries.
If there’s one message Brandon Crawford wants to convey to the world, it’s that a damaged brain has the potential to heal.
Adopting a holistic approach, Crawford and his team concentrate on three main pillars: energy, sensory (processing), and movement, which they call the ESM method. The focus on “energy” centers around light, setting the clinic apart from traditional healthcare methods that emphasize nutrition for energy.
“When you wake up, you know you need water, amino acids, specific vitamins, and nutrients. Don’t forget about photons,” Crawford stated. “I would argue that light is more crucial than those nutrients, because without it, we won’t be able to assimilate those nutrients properly.”
Harnessing the Power of Light
To facilitate healing in the brain, cells are initially rejuvenated by light. This allows the specialists at NeuroSolution to revitalize cells, similar to how muscles develop with slight stress from exercise. Typically, red or infrared light is used, which activates a biochemical compound in the mitochondria that increases cellular energy called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP.
The process involves a team administering treatments. Patients of all ages, from children to adults, may be surrounded by the team directing beams of light towards their brain and other body parts. Therapists may move limbs or stimulate the sensory system during activities that engage motor skills, like crawling or walking.