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Protecting Your Health with Detox and Boosting Your Immune System to Prevent Parasite Overgrowth

This series explores parasites, including what they are, how we get them, and how to get rid of them. When considering how to prevent parasite overgrowth in your body, it’s important to consider your overall health. Whether you suspect that you may have a mild parasite problem or are simply seeking to build up your defenses to keep parasites from moving in, this article will explain the best ways to avoid parasites becoming a health concern.

Parasites struggle to proliferate in a healthy host, so essentially, the healthier you are, the less likely you are to be susceptible to parasite overgrowth.

While the idea of being 100 percent parasite-free sounds great, it isn’t something that’s possible, and neither is it something to necessarily strive for. Some parasites are beneficial to your overall health and can strengthen the immune system.

The key to striking this perfect balance is having a strong, resilient immune system and achieving homeostasis, in which all systems in your body are thriving and working perfectly together, like a well-oiled machine. If this is the case, you’re set up for success in warding off dangerous parasites and also creating an environment that prevents any existing parasites from flourishing and multiplying.

Let’s take some time to discuss some important building blocks to growing and maintaining a strong immune system. It’s by no means an exhaustive list, but it contains the most fundamental aspects of supporting your immune health.

<p>Foundations to Parasite Resistance</p>These are the foundations for building a strong immune system and achieving and maintaining optimal health. In doing so, your body will be strong enough to keep parasites in proper balance—and resist countless other health risks.


Related StoriesSunlight is the best natural source of vitamin D. Seek to get out in the sunshine every day for at least 30 minutes, exposing your skin to the sun’s rays. Vitamin D helps to keep inflammation low, while also boosting immune cells’ production of microbe-fighting proteins.

Clean Air

Breathing clean air is an important aspect of building a strong immune system. Breathing fresh air outside is necessary, as well as ensuring that your indoor air is clear of toxins. Using a high-quality HEPA air filter can be very helpful in ensuring that indoor air quality is healthy to breathe in. Indoor air quality can also be improved by avoiding cleaning and personal care products that include fragrances and other toxins that are harmful to breathe in.


Staying hydrated helps to rid your body of toxins and bacteria that lead to infections. It’s important to drink properly filtered water and add a pinch of sea salt or mineralizing drops. Making sure that your drinking water is properly mineralized will allow your body to adequately absorb the water.


Eating a well-balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables, grass-fed and pasture-raised meats, and quality fats is one of the best ways to support your body’s immune system. Avoiding processed foods and too much added sugar and caffeine can keep your body from getting bogged down.


Getting adequate sleep regularly is absolutely foundational for proper immune function. Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep every night in a cool, dark room. It’s best to try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day for your circadian rhythm to naturally cue your body when it’s time to sleep and rest.


The lymphatic system is a vital part of the immune system that protects the body from infection along with destroying abnormal cells. Regular, daily movement and exercise help the lymphatic system to function properly. It’s stimulated by moving your body and raising your heart rate.


Drainage is the pathway or mechanism through which toxins and unwanted substances leave the body. It’s important to keep drainage pathways open for toxins to be removed regularly rather than to be trapped in your body, which creates an environment for parasites to flourish.

Supporting Drainage Pathways Your body has several different systems in place that help it to clean out toxins, whether those are byproducts of normal cellular processes or toxins that have made their way inside through breathing or eating or by being absorbed through the skin. Supporting the body’s key drainage pathways can ensure that they effectively detox the body.


Your colon is your main elimination organ. Ensure two to three daily bowel movements, consume plenty of fiber, stay hydrated, and stay active. You can use binders such as fulvic and humic acid and micronized zeolite clinoptilolite to “grab” onto toxins and pull them out with your bowel movements.


Your liver has many roles and also filters your blood. It’s a vital detox organ. To help it, apply castor oil packs, do coffee enemas, consume trace minerals and grass-fed beef liver, and supplement with N-acetyl cysteine, calcium D-glucarate, and milk thistle.

Lymphatic System

Your lymphatic system is a network of vessels throughout your body and a key part of cleaning out cellular debris that can become toxic if it lingers in the body. Prioritize daily exercise and movement to assist its pumping mechanism. Even taking a simple walk one to two times a day can make a significant difference in facilitating lymph drainage. Rebounding and lymphatic massage are excellent for lymphatic drainage.

Glymphatic System

The glymphatic system is the brain and spinal cord’s lymphatic system and key method of detoxification. It works best when we’re sleeping. To assist it, aim to get a minimum of seven or more hours of sleep every night. You can also get regular chiropractic care, do low-level laser therapy, and supplement with EPA and DHA, magnesium, and iron if levels are low.


Your skin is your body’s largest organ and one of the key pathways to get toxins out of the body. To use it, sweat regularly, consume papaya (loaded with potassium), and eat lots of leafy greens and fresh ginger. This is especially valuable if you’re noticing acne, eczema, or other skin issues.


The kidneys also filter your blood and are a key to cleansing the body’s fluids. To support them, supplement with N-acetylcysteine, marshmallow root, and uva ursi, and hydrate with clean water and mineral-rich beverages.

Parasites and Children

Many people wonder whether or not it’s safe to help children rid themselves of parasites. The short answer is yes, it’s safe. Children are sometimes unaware of proper hygiene, making them more susceptible to parasitic infections at times. They may contract them by not washing their hands after touching an infected animal, or by swimming in an infected body of water, and so on.

On the flip side, it can be argued that exposure to parasites may help to build a robust immune system over time. If your child is experiencing significant symptoms related to parasites, it’s worth cleansing. It’s usually recommended that the whole family does a parasite cleanse at the same time. This helps to rule out any risk of family members passing parasites back and forth and prolonging the healing process for everyone.

The Parasite Toxin Connection

Parasites produce waste and byproducts that can be toxic to the host. They can also act as a collector of toxins through what they eat and what can come to reside within their own bodies. That’s why some chronically ill individuals have a hard time getting healthy if their body is overrun with parasites. The larger the parasite, the more toxins it can create.

The best way to rid yourself of parasites, and any toxins that they create or collect, is to ensure that your ability to clear toxins of any sort is functioning well and that your immune system is capable of fighting off any invaders, including parasites.

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