Jon Bon Jovi assists troubled woman in stepping back from edge of Nashville bridge | Entertainment & Arts Update
Rock legend Jon Bon Jovi was caught on camera helping to convince a “distraught” woman to step away from the ledge of a bridge in Nashville.
The US singer was filming a music video for his band’s song “The People’s House” on the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge when the woman was seen on the other side of the railings.
CCTV footage, shared by local police, depicts the Bon Jovi frontman walking down the bridge with the woman on Tuesday evening.
They approach the distressed woman slowly before the Livin’ on a Prayer singer leans on the railings and seems to engage in a conversation with her.
The woman Bon Jovi was walking with is seen comforting the individual as they urge her to return to safety.
They assist the woman in climbing back over the railings.
Bon Jovi then embraces her as they stand together for approximately a minute before walking back down the bridge together.
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The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department posted the video on its YouTube channel, noting that the singer had assisted a “distraught woman”.
In a message on the X social media platform, the department thanked @jonbonjovi and his team for aiding the woman on the Seigenthaler Ped Bridge on Tuesday night.
“Bon Jovi helped convince her to step away from the ledge over the Cumberland River to safety,” they added.
The singer’s JBJ Soul Foundation provides support to individuals facing homelessness and hunger, with reports indicating that the 62-year-old music icon has extensive training in communicating with individuals in crisis.
For those experiencing emotional distress or contemplating suicide, contact Samaritans at 116 123 in the UK or email In the US, reach out to the Samaritans branch in your area or call 1 (800) 273-TALK.