New Jersey Legislators Urge Action Following Drone Sightings
Lawmakers in New Jersey are raising concerns after numerous reports of unidentified drones flying over the state in recent weeks.
On Sunday, Gov. Phil Murphy revealed that there have been 49 reported instances of drone sightings, primarily concentrated in Hunterdon County, which borders Pennsylvania in the western region of Central New Jersey.
Representative Chris Smith (R-N.J.) met with Ocean County Sheriff Mike Mastronardy on Long Beach Island on Monday to evaluate the reports of the unidentified drones. Smith expressed his dissatisfaction with Murphy’s management of the matter.
“Residents of New Jersey are understandably concerned about this significant and ongoing issue,” Smith remarked, asserting that the citizens of the Garden State “deserve prompt and decisive action from state and federal agencies to investigate, assess, and resolve the situation immediately and diminish the rising worries of our community.”
However, Governor Murphy believes that these drones do not pose a safety threat, stating on X that there is currently “no known threat” to the public.
“We are closely monitoring this issue and are in collaboration with our federal and law enforcement colleagues on it,” Murphy stated.
The FBI is also looking into the reports and has asked the public for assistance in clarifying the origins of the sightings.
Representative Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.) expressed skepticism on Wednesday, suggesting that Iran may be behind the drone activity.
Both President-elect Donald Trump’s Bedminster estate and Picatinny Arsenal, a government-owned military research facility and firearms manufacturer, are located in nearby counties, close to Hunterdon County.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.