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X Updates its Block Function

Blocked users can now view posts but are restricted in other ways from interacting.

X, formerly known as Twitter, is making critical changes to the block feature amid criticism that people can now view content from accounts that had earlier restricted them.

“If your posts are set to public, accounts you have blocked can see your posts,” stated a Nov. 3 update on the social media platform’s Help Center. “However, they cannot engage (like, reply, repost, etc.) with your posts.”

Moreover, accounts cannot follow a blocked user and vice versa. Blocked users cannot send direct messages and add the accounts blocking them to their lists. They also cannot tag the persons blocking them. Blocking an account automatically unfollows it.

If users want to restrict blocked accounts from seeing their posts, they would have to set it to “protected,” whereas public posts can now be seen by everyone.

Users of blocked accounts can see their accounts are blocked if they visit their specific accounts. They will be told they are blocked when they attempt to interact with the post. This is different from X’s mute feature.

Mute is a feature that allows you to remove an account’s posts from your timeline without unfollowing or blocking that account,” X states. “Muted accounts will not know that you’ve muted them and you can unmute them at any time.”

Unlike blocked accounts, users will be notified when their accounts are mentioned on the platform. In the case of individuals who have blocked other users, the former’s mentioning will not trigger any notification for the blocked users.

X had hinted at the change last month. The platform’s engineering team said: “Block can be used by users to share and hide harmful or private information about those they’ve blocked. Users will be able to see if such behavior occurs with this update, allowing for greater transparency.”

Criticisms, Privacy Issues

Many users have expressed their displeasure about the latest update.

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