World News

Both BC’s NDP and Conservatives have nominated complete lists of candidates for the upcoming Oct. 19 election.

Elections BC has confirmed that the New Democrats and Conservatives have successfully nominated full slates of candidates for the upcoming Oct. 19 provincial election.

According to a statement released by Elections BC, the two main parties will be presenting candidates in all of the province’s 93 ridings, with the Green Party nominating 69 candidates.

As nominations closed on Saturday afternoon, a total of 323 candidates are on the official list, including 269 from seven different political parties and 54 who are running as Independents or unaffiliated candidates.

Among the list are five hopefuls from the Freedom Party of B.C., four Libertarians, three representatives from the Communist Party of B.C., and two candidates from the Christian Heritage Party of B.C.

Notably, there are no BC United candidates, as party officials had previously announced suspending their election campaign in late August to avoid splitting the center-right vote.

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