World News

Brazil’s Ministry of Justice Tightens Rules on Entry for Visaless Immigrants

Brazil will begin restricting entry for foreigners who arrive in the country without a visa and are traveling to another destination, in an effort to combat human trafficking.

Brazil’s Ministry of Justice announced that starting on August 26, individuals who enter Brazil without a visa and are heading to another country will be required to proceed to that destination or return home immediately, as reported by Agencia Brasil, a state-run news agency.

Federal law enforcement has observed that immigrants without proper documentation are being instructed by human trafficking organizations to seek asylum upon reaching Brazil, the Ministry of Justice stated.

Investigations have revealed an increasing number of travelers, primarily from Asian countries, who arrive in Brazil for a layover but then apply for asylum instead of continuing to their final destination, with most aiming to reach the United States and Canada, according to the ministry.

“An irregular migration route has been established in Brazil, with significant involvement from actors facilitating migrant smuggling and human trafficking, along with clear fraudulent utilization of the refugee process,” the ministry highlighted.

Immigrants arriving on flights to other destinations and staying at Guarulhos International Airport in São Paulo, where they apply for refugee status, have notably increased in recent weeks, according to public defender João Chaves.

In 2013, only 69 individuals applied for asylum at Guarulhos. By 2023, that number had risen to 4,239. As of this year, 6,329 applications have been submitted, with 481 immigrants currently awaiting decisions on their applications while residing in the airport.

The federal public prosecutor’s office, the public defender’s office, and the airport concessionaire are all advocating for assistance to immigrants awaiting asylum application outcomes at the airport. They are urging the Ministry of Justice and the Federal Police to ensure quick and simplified access to Brazil for these individuals to uphold their right to seek refuge without violating any laws.

Chaves emphasized that migrants should not be penalized or blamed, as they are victims in this process. Any actions taken by the Ministry of Justice must prioritize a human rights approach to guarantee refuge to these individuals.

Officials clarified that individuals from countries already exempt from visa requirements to enter Brazil will not be impacted by these restrictions.

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