World News

Cory Morgan believes that Canada should prioritize the promotion of national pride and identity.


Amidst efforts to diminish national pride in Canada, a sudden realization has emerged among those previously undermining the country in the name of progressiveness. The value of national patriotism is now being acknowledged, especially when faced with challenges to Canada’s sovereignty.

Whether Donald Trump’s proposal for Canada to become the 51st U.S. state is a mere troll or a trade negotiation tactic, it demands serious consideration. The view of Canada as an economic asset to be acquired rather than a negotiating partner raises concerns about its sovereignty.

A recent poll revealed that only 13 percent of Canadians support a merger with the USA. While a widespread movement to join the USA is unlikely, discussions around Canadian sovereignty and identity reveal uncertainty among Canadians about their national identity.
During a CNN interview, Prime Minister Trudeau struggled to define how Canadians see themselves. His response, “We’re not Americans,” highlights the challenge of articulating a cohesive Canadian identity.
In 2015, Trudeau mentioned that Canada would evolve into a post-national state. The implications and intentions behind this statement remain unclear.

The strength of a nation lies in the collective pride and unity of its people. A shared connection and purpose are crucial for national bonding. In Canada, however, a narrative of collective shame has been nurtured.

At public gatherings, land acknowledgments are frequently made, symbolizing an apology to indigenous people for alleged intergenerational land theft. This narrative of shame, if reiterated often, can instill guilt and damage the national psyche.

References to “settler culture” by academics and politicians, along with blaming non-indigenous individuals for historical wrongs, breed a sense of pessimism. This race-based mentality of holding present generations accountable for past deeds is demoralizing.

In Ontario, the statue of Canada’s founding Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald has been concealed for almost five years due to repeated vandalism. While most nations honor key historical figures, Canada has demonized them to the extent of facing vandalism attacks on their statues.

With millions of immigrants arriving in Canada in recent years, fostering a sense of belonging and integration is crucial. However, portraying existing Canadians in a negative light as genocidal settlers may hinder the assimilation of newcomers into the population.

As Canada navigates uncertainties with the transition of leadership and potential economic challenges, there is a call for policies that rekindle national pride and identity. Addressing divisive narratives and emphasizing positive aspects of Canadian history can help foster a cohesive national identity and pride.

The upcoming leader must redefine what it means to be Canadian and work towards instilling a sense of national pride among the populace. Without a clear identity, a nation’s existence may be at stake.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

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