Czech legislators advise against seeking organ transplants in China through medical tourism
‘The abuse of Falun Gong practitioners in the area of organ transplants is … unacceptable.’
Don’t travel to communist China for organ transplants because these organs could be forcefully carved out from living individuals.
That’s the message from the Czech Republic’s deputy minister of health, Václav Pláteník, following a public hearing at the lower house of the Czech parliament, where lawmakers and rights advocates discussed how to end the persecution of Falun Gong in communist China.
“We recommend the state authorities to pay sustained attention to the fate of the oppressed Falun Gong followers in China,” the committee for petitions stated at the event.

At the hearing in Czech, Ding Lebin expressed concerns about the prospect that he may never see his father again, saying it’s possible that the elder Ding would be killed for his organs by China’s ruling party. “I am extremely worrying [sic] about the fate and safety of my father,” he said in written testimony that was shared with The Epoch Times.
Under the CCP’s watch, the practice of forcibly harvesting vital organs from living individuals for profit has been industrialized to staggering proportions and has added to the abuses of vulnerable groups, such as detained Falun Gong practitioners, according to extensive research, eye-witness accounts, and evidence that has emerged over the past decade-and-a-half.
Czech officials condemned such abuses.
“The abuse of Falun Gong practitioners in the area of organ transplants is condemned not only in the Czech Republic, but in all parliamentary forums around the world. It is an unacceptable practice,” Eduard Hulicius, the deputy foreign minister, told the hearing.
Mr. Pláteník said the health ministry is aware that some European countries have adopted strict laws that aim to deter their citizens from traveling abroad to receive illicit organ transplants, especially from countries like China to combat medical tourism for organ transplants.
Israel is among the first nations to enact legislation that bars its citizens from engaging in this grisly practice. Israel’s Organ Transplant Law, which came into effect in 2008, essentially banned the purchase and sale of human organs.

Following the hearing, Mr. Pláteník stated that the Czech health ministry “warns against transplant tourism to China.”
The issue of the CCP’s crimes of forced organ harvesting has also been coming into growing focus in the United States. Three states have enacted legislation prohibiting organ transplant tourism.