World News

Explosion at Winnipeg Residence Causes Damage to Nearby Houses

A home on
Winnipeg’s east side
was destroyed in an explosion that caused significant damage to neighbouring homes June 26, leaving some residents temporarily homeless.

Although no injuries have been reported, it remains unclear if anyone was inside the home at the time of the explosion, city officials said in a news release.

Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service (WFPS) crews were called to the home on Camrose Bay at 11:19 a.m. local time and arrived to find debris from the house scattered on the road and only the foundation of the home standing.

Several surrounding homes and garages had been damaged and were on fire, the release said, adding that firefighters used master streams and aerial ladder trucks to attack the flames. A drone was also launched, allowing crews to find hotspots. Gas to the surrounding properties was turned off by Manitoba Hydro as a precaution.

Some residents in the neighbouring homes were escorted out for safety and others were advised to shelter in place, according to the city.

The situation was deemed under control by 1:08 p.m.; however, the city said that crews would remain on the scene all afternoon and residents should avoid the area.

No occupants were found in the surrounding structures, but one dog was rescued from a nearby home, the press release said.

Damage caused by the explosion has left some of the houses uninhabitable, the city added, noting that residents would need to wait “some time” before they can return home.

The cause of the explosion is under investigation and emergency crews are using a dog trained in accelerant detection to help fire investigators at the scene.

“The situation is now under control. It’s expected that WFPS crews will remain on scene into the evening,” the city said in an X post. “Residents are advised to continue avoiding the area while crews remain on scene.”

Winnipeg police also responded to the call and have asked people to avoid the area.

“Emergency personnel are currently at a fire event in the first 100 block of Camrose,” a social media post said. “Pedestrians and motorists are requested to avoid the area to allow WPS/WFPS members to manage the scene safely. Limited information is available.”

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