World News

Health Canada Reports 15,000 Deaths by Euthanasia in Canada in 2023.

More than 15,000 people received medical assistance in dying (MAID) in Canada in 2023, representing a 15 percent increase from the previous year, as per a report from Health Canada. The report details MAID requests and assessments nationwide, utilizing input from various healthcare professionals including physicians, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, assessors, and pharmacy technicians. Released on Dec. 11, this fifth annual report also provides additional information on the demographics of MAID requestors, as well as any alternative support services or health interventions offered.

In 2023, a total of 15,343 individuals underwent MAID out of 19,660 applications submitted to Health Canada. Of these applications, 2,906 individuals passed away before receiving MAID, 496 withdrew their requests, and 915 were deemed ineligible. While there has been an increase in MAID cases, the growth rate has slowed compared to previous years, with a 15.8 percent increase over the prior year.

MAID in Canada follows two tracks: one for individuals with a foreseeable death and another for those with chronic conditions. The median age of applicants for track one is 77, evenly split between men and women, with the majority of requests coming from cancer patients. Neurological conditions and other underlying medical issues are common among track two applicants.

Health Canada’s report also highlights demographic data, showing that Caucasians make up the majority of MAID applicants, with specific data on age groups and income levels within each track. Provincially, Quebec had the highest number of MAID recipients, followed by Ontario and British Columbia.

The report also notes a significant increase in the number of medical professionals offering MAID services, with an almost three-fold increase since 2019. The majority of practitioners are physicians, with a small percentage being nurse practitioners. A group of practitioners accounted for a significant portion of approved cases, with most track two applications being approved by two practitioners without a third assessor.

According to Health Canada, a total of 60,301 individuals have received MAID in Canada since the inception of the program in 2016.

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