World News

Investigation Report Published on Crash of Chinook Heljsonpter Resulting in Deaths of Two Air Force Members

An investigation report into a Chinook helicopter crash that resulted in the deaths of two Armed Forces members last year is recommending the Air Force utilize an automatic flight system when flying low over water at night.

Capt. Marc Larouche and Capt. David Domagala lost their lives in June 2023 when the helicopter crashed into the Ottawa River during a training exercise near Canadian Forces Base Petawawa.

Two other crew members managed to eject from the helicopter and survived the crash with only minor injuries.

The flight safety investigation report states that the crew had embarked on two night flight tests as part of the pilots’ tactical first officer training course.

The crash occurred when the second student pilot attempted to turn the helicopter but inadvertently began descending towards the water.

Investigators determined that the crew became disoriented by environmental conditions and failed to notice the descent before the helicopter collided with the river at a high speed.

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