World News

Legislator Proposes Legislation to Block Cobalt Harvested Through Child Exploitation and Forced Labor from Entering US Markets

Cobalt is a vital natural resource essential for powering electric vehicles, solar panels, and other environmentally friendly products. Approximately 90 percent of cobalt comes from CCP-owned mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

An important piece of legislation has been introduced to prevent cobalt extracted or processed using child or forced labor in the DRC from entering the U.S. market.

The bill, HR 7891, was presented on April 16 by Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ), Chair of the House Global Human Rights Subcommittee.

In a press release on April 16, Mr. Smith’s office stated, “The Communist Chinese government profits from child and forced labor in cobalt extraction in the DRC to power our ‘green economy.'”

Mr. Smith emphasized the need for the U.S. to end child exploitation in mines and reduce reliance on China.

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HR 7891, also known as the “Stop China’s Exploitation of Congolese Children and Adult Forced Labor through Cobalt Mining Act,” aims to investigate and prevent forced labor-cobalt from entering the U.S. market.

In his comments, Chairman Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.) stressed the importance of blocking cobalt mined through unethical practices from entering the country.

The introduction of the bill was influenced by testimony presented at a congressional hearing chaired by Mr. Smith, exposing the exploitation of children and forced laborers by the CCP in cobalt mining in the DRC.
Fr. Rigobert Minani Bihuzo, a Catholic priest from the DRC, provided crucial testimony that contributed to last year’s hearing, revealing the harsh conditions endured by miners, including children and pregnant women, in unsafe artisanal mines.

Mr. Smith highlighted the need to address the cruel practices in the cobalt mining industry and urged action to prevent the exploitation of children and adults for profit.

Mr. Smith has been a vocal critic of the CCP’s human rights abuses and has previously authored the China Trade Relations Act (HR638), challenging China to end its human rights violations if it wishes to maintain trade relations with the U.S.

The CCP has a history of using slave and forced labor not only abroad but also within its own borders, targeting minority groups and religious practitioners.

For years, the CCP has subjected individuals like Uyghur Muslims, House Christians, and Falun Gong practitioners to inhumane treatment, including forced labor and organ harvesting, to fuel its economic and political goals.

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