World News

Libertarian Advocate for Relaxing Alcohol Restrictions in Sydney’s Public Spaces

Libertarian Member of the Legislative Council John Ruddick proposed legislation in the last session of the NSW Parliament to allow alcohol consumption in public places. The City of Sydney is currently reviewing alcohol bans.

Mr. Ruddick introduced the Alcohol Consumption in Public Places (Liberalisation) Bill 2024 and debate on the legislation was adjourned. The bill is modeled on Italian legislation, where public consumption is allowed by default.

He argues that the bill would restore ancient rights to consume alcohol in public, stating that alcohol has long been part of different cultures and cuisines, and should be embraced as part of a healthy social life.

Public authorities would still have powers to address anti-social behavior under the proposed law. Drinking in public places would be allowed, except on roads unless recreational activities are permitted.

Mr. Ruddick supports decentralization but opposes restrictions on personal liberties and freedoms by local councils. He believes the bill will make NSW more enjoyable for locals and visitors, increase tourism revenue, improve safety, and make Sydney more fun again.

City of Sydney Review of Alcohol Free Zones

The City of Sydney is currently reviewing the need for alcohol-free zones. Lord Mayor Clover Moore notes that the city sought feedback through public consultation and is evaluating contributions. There are currently 379 alcohol-free zones being reviewed.

Ms. Moore highlights that alcohol restrictions are intended as an early intervention measure to prevent antisocial behavior without fines. She believes it is time to reconsider existing restrictions, which may disproportionately affect certain groups.

The City of Sydney has made efforts to encourage people to return post-pandemic and wants to ensure that all have the opportunity to enjoy outdoor spaces safely. The outcome of the review is expected to be made public in June.

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