World News

Manitoba School Board Engages in Power Struggle with Government Amid Ideological Dispute

Rarely in Canadian history have school boards been dissolved, as they are composed of democratically elected officials.

A battle between the Manitoba government and a locally elected school board is brewing over the board’s self-determination, and what the province says is the board’s duty to ensure a suitable environment for students.

It’s a battle of ideology, the trustees say, and they should be allowed to represent the voices of their voters on issues such as gender and racism teaching in schools. After backlash over board presentations on such topics, the education ministry ordered an independent review.

The review has not been published yet, but trustees say it recommended the dissolution of the board.

The ministry says the province “is committed to ensuring students learn in safe and inclusive school environments.” Instead of dissolving the board, in early June, the ministry appointed an oversight panel it says can guide the board in putting the interests of students and the community first. Trustees say that panel may override their power as elected officials.

Rarely in Canadian history have school boards been dissolved. It is not common because trustees are democratically elected. One of the most recent cases was in Nova Scotia six years ago, when the province did away with seven English-language school boards and replaced them with a council of administrators appointed by the education minister to “help unify the system.” The move was controversial, with critics claiming it was a loss of local representation.

Although Manitoba’s education ministry has opted not to dissolve the Mountain View School Division (MVSD), board chair Jason Gryba says that threat hangs over the board.

Different Ideologies

Gryba told The Epoch Times he believes the oversight panel was established because the MVSD “allowed voices to be heard.”

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