World News

Mark Carney Vows to Surpass Trudeau’s Deadline for Achieving NATO Spending Goal

Mark Carney, a contender for the Liberal leadership, has stated that he would achieve Canada’s NATO defense spending target by the end of the decade, which is two years earlier than Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s schedule.

Carney made this commitment during a campaign event in Windsor, Ont., where he also pledged a tax cut for the middle class.

In 2023, Ottawa formally committed to spending two percent of its GDP on national defense but has not come close to meeting that target and does not intend to do so until 2032.

While most NATO allies have already met the spending target, U.S. lawmakers are urging Canada to increase its spending.

In addition, U.S. President Donald Trump has proposed that NATO members should aim for a military spending benchmark of five percent.

Defense Minister Bill Blair, who is endorsing Carney’s leadership bid, recently mentioned that Canada could achieve the two percent target within two years if necessary.

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