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More Chinese Scientists Barred from Entering US amid Heightened Technology Conflict

Since November 2023, more than 10 Chinese nationals have been denied entry into the United States.

Despite having valid visas, several Chinese researchers, particularly in the medical field, have been refused entry to the United States as part of Washington’s efforts to combat a decade-long trend of spying and intellectual property theft driven by China’s ruling communist party (CCP) in Beijing.
Observers have noted that these recent incidents showcase the heightened level of the U.S.-China tech war.
International media reports indicate that an increasing number of Chinese national researchers and graduate students working in American universities have faced interrogations, searches, and lengthy detentions upon returning from China. In recent months, more medical researchers have been interrogated, some even refused entry and deported, impacting their research at American institutions.

Their work at American universities and research institutions has also been impacted.

According to a report by the American academic journal “Science” on March 1, over the previous three months, multiple Chinese science Ph.D. students at prestigious U.S. research universities like Yale University and Johns Hopkins University were denied re-entry to the U.S. after visiting China. They were promptly deported and some banned from re-entering the country for five years.

U.S. State Department spokesperson, Matt Miller, mentioned that the impacted number is less than “one tenth of 1 percent” of Chinese students denied entry or deported.

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A spokesperson for U.S. Customs and Border Protection stated that “all international travelers attempting to enter the United States, including U.S. citizens, are subject to examination.” American and western researchers have also been found engaging in stealing on behalf of the CCP for profit.
The FBI has identified numerous cases of technology theft involving Chinese nationals working at U.S. research institutions or tech companies, who received payments from the CCP to divulge information about advanced U.S. technology back to China.

Since November 2023, more than 10 Chinese nationals have been denied entry.

Increased vigilance against CCP intellectual property theft targeting foreign researchers is tied to a 2020 Trump administration policy prohibiting graduate students with connections to the Chinese regime’s “military-civil fusion strategy,” which leverages civilian infrastructure and technology to support military advancements.
A researcher works in a Chinese biopharma lab in Shenyang, in China's northeast Liaoning Province, on June 10, 2020. (Noel Celis/AFP via Getty Images)
A researcher works in a Chinese biopharma lab in Shenyang, in China’s northeast Liaoning Province, on June 10, 2020. (Noel Celis/AFP via Getty Images)

Chung Chih-tung, an assistant research fellow at Taiwan’s Institute for National Defense and Security Research, expressed to The Epoch Times on April 29, “The CCP acquires key technologies, legally and illegally, through scientific and technological exchanges in academic and civilian sectors with other countries, utilizing them for economic and military development.”

He added, “The United States emphasizes that only a small percentage have been rejected currently, but this figure is expected to rise.” He highlighted the importance of closely screening Chinese individuals engaging in medical scientific research due to concerning activities under the CCP.

Ye Ning, a Chinese-American lawyer, mentioned to The Epoch Times on April 30 that the U.S. is tightening its national security policies and law enforcement amid increasing threats from the CCP.

Luo Ya contributed to this report.

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