World News

Photographer Father Allows 9-Year-Old Daughter to Capture Wedding Photos – the Outcome Amazes All

Aisha Cole was only 9 years old when her father, Jerome Cole, allowed her to photograph a wedding with him. After reviewing her shots post-event, Mr. Cole was amazed. The images she captured were a beautiful collection of heartfelt moments shared among the bride, groom, and guests.

Mr. Cole, a professional photographer from Melbourne, Australia, expressed his surprise to The Epoch Times, saying, “I knew she was good with a good eye. On the actual day, I could see her really trying to find the perfect shot. Just by observing her, I could sense her eagerness to capture the moment. But when I saw the photos, I was genuinely astonished. My wife was also amazed.”

Mr. Cole and Aisha. (Courtesy of Jerome Cole)
Mr. Cole and Aisha. (Courtesy of Jerome Cole)

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