Poilievre Accuses ‘Activists’ of Using Remembrance Day for Divisive Agenda
Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre says activists and authorities used Remembrance Day this year to push an agenda.
The Tory leader added Canada has a “proud history” and those living in the country should be grateful.
The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Chaplain General issued the related directive last year replacing prayers with “spiritual reflections,” a move said to be necessary to preserve the religious neutrality of the state.
Several politicians spoke out this year following controversy around how some schools marked Remembrance Day.
“The inclusion of a song that could be seen as politically charged was not in line with the values of respect and unity that we strive to uphold at this school,” said principal Aaron Hobbs of the Sir Robert Borden High School.
“People of all backgrounds & faiths fought for our country, with some making the ultimate sacrifice in defence of [Canada],” he said.
“To maintain a welcoming environment for all, we kindly request that service members wear civilian clothing,” Sackville Heights Elementary School wrote in its newsletter.
The school said the policy had been put in place because many of its students come from countries in conflict and they are not comfortable with individuals in military uniforms.
Sackville Heights received criticism from incumbent Premier Tim Houston, who said its leaders were “disgracing themselves while demeaning the people who protect our country.”