World News

Prime Minister of Haiti Steps Down Amid Escalating Gang Violence in the Country

Haiti’s Prime Minister Ariel Henry has announced his resignation as head of the Caribbean nation once a transitional presidential council has been established and an interim prime minister named. Mr. Henry made this decision on March 11 after facing weeks of international pressure to step down due to escalating violence and attacks on infrastructure in the country.

This announcement followed an emergency meeting in Jamaica, where regional leaders, including U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, discussed solutions to the crisis in Haiti. The meeting, organized by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), resulted in a joint proposal to form a transitional council.

During a video address, Mr. Henry appealed for calm and thanked the Haitian people for the opportunity to lead. He urged everyone to work towards peace and stability in the country.

Mr. Henry assumed office following the assassination of former President Jovenel Moïse in July 2021. Initially meant to serve on an interim basis, he continued in the role amid criticism for not being elected by the people or parliament.

Violence Escalates, Curfew Extended

Mr. Henry postponed elections multiple times, prioritizing security restoration. Currently stranded in Puerto Rico due to armed gang threats, his absence led to a surge in gang violence, including an attack on a major prison and a state of emergency declaration on March 3 with a curfew extension until March 14.

Chairman of CARICOM and Guyana President, Irfaan Ali, confirmed acceptance of Mr. Henry’s resignation upon the establishment of a transitional council and naming of an interim prime minister.

US Pledges Millions in Aid

President Ali outlined the composition of the transitional council and its mandate to appoint an interim prime minister swiftly. He also stated that individuals intending to run in future elections will not be allowed to participate.

Secretary Blinken expressed U.S. support for the political transition proposal developed in collaboration with CARICOM and Haitian stakeholders, pledging an additional $100 million for a multinational support force and $33 million in humanitarian aid.

Secretary Blinken emphasized the importance of Haitians determining their future while acknowledging the role of international support in restoring security and creating opportunities for the country.

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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