World News

Scientific Study Uncovers the Health Benefits of Kakadu Plum

A recent study from the University of Queensland has uncovered the medicinal properties of the Kakadu plum.

Indigenous communities in Australia have long utilized the healing properties of the Kakadu plum, but the scientific basis for its efficacy was unknown until now.

In a study conducted by researcher Oladipupo Adiamo at the University of Queensland (UQ), the safety and effectiveness of consuming Kakadu plum were investigated.

It was discovered that aside from its high vitamin C content, the Kakadu plum contains polyphenolic compounds typically found in plant-based foods that offer protection against diseases.

These compounds in the plum possess antioxidant properties that can prevent and delay cell damage.

“Kakadu plum has been a traditional remedy used by Indigenous communities for treating various conditions such as headaches, colds, flu, and as an antiseptic,” Adiamo stated.

“However, scientific data is necessary for the food industry to confirm its contents and effects before incorporating it into products.”

Dr. Oladipupo Adiamo holding container of Kakuda plums in the Laboratory at the University of Queensland. (Megan Pope/University of Queensland)

Dr. Oladipupo Adiamo holding container of Kakuda plums in the Laboratory at the University of Queensland. Megan Pope/University of Queensland

Consumption Process

The study delved into the consumption of powdered Kakadu plum through a gut digestive model, revealing that the gut microbiome breaks down polyphenolic compounds into smaller components.

The gut microbiome, comprising bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microscopic organisms in the gut, plays a crucial role in food digestion.

Following digestion, the compounds’ antioxidant properties increased, and their absorption into the body improved.

Moreover, the study not only highlighted how the benefits of Kakadu plums are accessed but also demonstrated that powdered Kakadu plum is suitable for use in food products.

The health benefits of powdered Kakadu and its potential for widespread application could significantly impact the food industry and Indigenous communities.
Dr. Oladipupo Adiamo Collating Data in the Laboratory (Megan Pope, UQ)

Dr. Oladipupo Adiamo Collating Data in the Laboratory Megan Pope, UQ

Industry Impacts

Adiamo is optimistic that the medicinal advantages of Kakadu plums will open up new business opportunities for Indigenous Australian communities.

“I hope that once the health benefits are confirmed, there will be a surge in demand for Kakadu plum, leading to economic opportunities for Indigenous communities to enhance and derive value from their harvest,” he expressed.

Nevertheless, the study did not cover all facets of consumption, such as the breakdown mechanism of polyphenolic compounds into smaller molecules.

Furthermore, as Kakadu plums are harvested from wild native trees rather than cultivated crops, there may be challenges in fruit supply.

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