World News

The Rise of Marxism as Gospel: An Analysis from The Epoch Times

The Brazilian church has submitted to totalitarianism.


On Oct. 17, 2022, around 300 Catholic priests and nuns openly declared their support for the then-presidential candidate, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, in the second round of elections happening on Oct. 30, 2022.

These Catholic leaders from different parts of the nation expressed their support for the extreme left candidate.

They were joined by other priests and nuns from various Catholic dioceses, institutions, and congregations.

During this event, the priests and nuns also released an Open Letter titled “Commitment by Priests and Religious People to President Lula.”

In this document, they accused of “manipulation of the population through fake news” and “hateful speeches full of prejudices.”

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These are baseless accusations used by the extreme left to undermine democracy and freedom of speech.

Totalitarianism With Lula Characteristics

As known, the Lula administration in Brazil controls the mainstream media and utilizes technology companies like Google, Facebook, Uber, Instagram, and WhatsApp to support the regime.

Alexandre de Moraes, leading the effort to stifle political dissent and censor content online, is at the forefront of this censorship.

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