World News

There is a Little Bit of Conservatism in Each of Us

Conservatives believe it is our duty to care for creation and preserve the earth.


The Christopher Dawson Centre, of which I am the director, is a conservative advocacy group. However, this is not a political statement.

We do not identify as “right-wingers.”

Conservatism today transcends the traditional political left-right divide.

While some may categorize our views as right-wing, we also hold opinions that align with the left.

It is not uncommon for individuals to hold both socially conservative and critical views of unrestrained capitalism, much like Pope St John Paul II.

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In our current society, traditional working-class ideals have dwindled, and we are primarily a middle-class society.

The Labor Party’s alignment with the political left has waned, with many members engaging in stock market investments and property ownership—contrary to the beliefs of past leaders like Ben Chifley.

Despite seeking conservative values in vain within the Liberal Party, we acknowledge the shift away from tradition among its supporters, a trend that would disappoint former Prime Minister Menzies.

Understanding Conservatism

Let’s redefine conservatism beyond the conventional left-right spectrum to recognize it as an mindset that values human respect within acknowledged limitations. This perspective appreciates progress but not change for change’s sake, upholds truth as absolute, and prioritizes it over myth.

Many conservatives uphold the belief that humans, created in God’s image, hold a superiority over other creatures. This perspective aligns with environmental concerns and the notion of bettering the earth, reflecting a “green” mindset.

While acknowledging climate change, conservatives often question the efficacy of certain approaches and scrutinize the global energy landscape to avoid hypocrisy.

Conservatives reject blind faith in scientific progress and champion a narrative that balances past traditions with a progressive future.

Custodians of both the future and past, conservatives advocate for truth, moral values, and the preservation of humanity’s multifaceted nature.

Education plays a crucial role in vocational training as well as holistic personal development beyond employment needs. Morality, critical thinking, and effective communication should form the core of educational pursuits.

In a society that devalues conservative principles, there is a growing recognition of the need for balanced perspectives and steadfast values.

Eminent figures like Louis Pasteur, who appreciated the Creator’s work, embody the values upheld by conservatives.

Opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and may not reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

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