World News

Trial of Vaccine Critic Persists in New Zealand

The trial of Liz Gunn continues in courtroom 7, from charges that seem unsupported by evidence to a prosecutor who refuses to disclose his name to the media.

In 2022, as hundreds of protesters gathered in front of New Zealand’s Parliament to protest against COVID-19 mandates and lockdowns, many were eager to speak with journalists.

While the details varied depending on the storyteller, a common thread emerged – the belief that the state, in all its forms, was conspiring against its citizens.

Events unfolding this week in courtroom seven at the Manukau District Court provide substantial evidence that the state is willing to use power to suppress critics.

Described by one prominent NZ journalist as “breaking a butterfly on the wheel,” these proceedings were labeled as “unnecessary torture.”

On trial are former TV host Liz Gunn (real name Elizabeth Cooney), a critic of the COVID-19 vaccine, protestor, and leader of the NZ Loyal Party, along with Jonathan Clark.

Charged after an incident at the international arrivals terminal, Ms. Gunn faces assault, resisting police, and wilful trespass charges, while Mr. Clark faces wilful trespass and resisting arrest charges.

As the trial progresses, it becomes evident that the prosecution’s case has weaknesses, particularly in the assault charge relying on CCTV footage and the alleged victim’s testimony.

Despite the prosecution’s efforts, evidence presented by police officers does little to strengthen their case, with Ms. Gunn’s behavior also under scrutiny.

The trial has been marked by oddities, including a lawyer refusing to disclose his first name to a reporter and an expert witness with a questionable background.

The case is set to resume on May 10, with the verdict possibly delivered at a later date.

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