World News

Watch a Playful Horse Stick Out His Tongue in a Goofy Antic That Will Make You Smile

Prince, a goofy horse from the Netherlands has been making waves on the internet for his playful antics and funny personality.

Lotje Ziere, Prince’s loving owner, says that if reincarnation is real, then Prince may have been a golden retriever or a Labrador in his past life.

“All the goofiness is already in him,” the 18-year-old student from the Netherlands told The Epoch Times.

Born and raised in Bergschenhoek, Ms. Ziere is taking her final exams this year and hopes to eventually become a veterinarian. Her playful horse is a Dutch gelding.

Prince currently stands at 5 feet, 3 inches tall and will be celebrating his tenth birthday on May 24. The mischievous horse has his own Instagram page and loves sticking his tongue out.

“That’s his way of indicating that he wants to play together,” Ms. Ziere said.

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Prince’s Playful Antics

“His rope remains a favorite and is indestructible; he prefers to play tug-of-war with it,” Ms. Ziere said.

“I always give Prince a few toys at once, usually three pieces at a time. He can then choose which one he wants to play with,” Ms. Ziere said, adding that she knows if he wants to play independently or with her by the toys he chooses. More often than not, he wants to play together.

Watch Prince with his toys:

Prince also loves playing with water and unleashing his energy in his riding arena as well. Jumping over obstacles is another favorite game; Ms. Ziere says navigating obstacles makes him feel “very proud of himself.”

Prince is a NRPS (Netherlands Ridinghorse and Pony Studbook) horse. He loves children and dogs, however, he chooses his friends selectively, whether they be human or animal.

Prince prefers a clean stall, plenty of sunshine, and no cold water. He also only likes being ridden after being groomed. His foremost desire, of course, is love and care…

“The comments under his posts are always fun and positive, and I also love that so many people comment saying that his videos make them happy,” Ms. Ziere said.

What remains “very special” is that people recognize him when they are out for a walk.

“Some people might find him stubborn and spoiled, but I see it as a fair way of forming a team together,” she said.

“My biggest dream as well as, I believe, Prince’s is to one day purchase a house with stables and a pasture, providing him with more outdoor space where he can graze freely and be nearby.”

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