
25 Funny Pet Photo Finalists of 2023 Pet Comedy Photo Awards—Dogs, Tennis Balls, Cat Bleps, Etc.

In a world that can get downright hectic, few things keep us grounded as our pets do. They keep us fit when we say we’re too busy to exercise; keep us company when company is wanting in a big way; and remind us to enjoy the simple things in life—hooray for pets!

But not everyone knows the joy pet ownership offers. Fortunately, photography allows people to share some of that pet awesomeness with the rest of the world. Everyone with a camera can take pet photos from the comfort of home! Why not share them?

The perfect forum for this is the Pet Comedy Photo Awards, drawing animal entries from across the globe. After asking the world to send them their funny pics of adorable pets, the Pet Comedy Photo Awards released 25 finalists from which the top award will be chosen and announced on August 11.

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“Barking!” by Chris Porsz. (Courtesy of Chris Porsz)

These finalists feature some of the best pet photography the world has to offer, and we will present them today. These pets are simply off the wall: A dog appears to go airborne in the park. One cat bleps on the beach. Another seems to exalt in victory with paws stretching skyward. A hungry turtle noms down on a dandelion. There are tennis balls, mouse encounters, and games of hide-and-go-seek.

With all their antics these pets will make you smile for sure—and might even just make your day!

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“Is it a seal or a dog?” by Monyque Macedo Dos Santos. (Courtesy of Monyque Macedo Dos Santos)

Plus, the Pet Comedy Photo Awards’ People’s Choice Award is also coming up and will be announced along with the winner. So not only will you enjoy a little pet comedy relief with these pics today, you’ll have a chance to vote for your fav, too. You could even win a prize!

So, for now, allow these humorous pet pictures to take the edge off of that hectic schedule of yours by offering a few much-needed chuckles. Enjoy!

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“Who are you?” by Udo Krauss. (Courtesy of Udo Krauss)
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“Zorro reborn” by Karl Goldhamer. (Courtesy of Karl Goldhamer)
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“The three Greys” by Klaus-Peter Selzer. (Courtesy of Klaus-Peter Selzer)
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“A lovely couple” by Lana Polyakova. (Courtesy of Lana Polyakova)
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“Oscar!” by Lana Polyakova. (Courtesy of Lana Polyakova)
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“The big Boss” by Kenichi Morinaga. (Courtesy of Kenichi Morinaga)
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“Kylian’s sleep” by Katia Pillonel. (Courtesy of Katia Pillonel)
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“When digging a hole gets serious” by Sophie Boynton. (Courtesy of Sophie Boynton)
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“A life changing event” by Michel Zoghzoghi. (Courtesy of Michel Zoghzoghi)
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“My face when my crush says ‘Hi’” by Kerstin Ordelt. (Courtesy of Kerstin Ordelt)
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“Albert Einstein” by Masayoshi Yamamoto. (Courtesy of Masayoshi Yamamoto)
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“The 498th round of Hide and Seek was getting a bit old …” by Kim Horstmanshof. (Courtesy of Kim Horstmanshof)
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“Football free kick” by Kenichi Morinaga. (Courtesy of Kenichi Morinaga)
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“Flying Poodle” by John Young. (Courtesy of John Young)
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“Victory” by Kazutoshi Ono. (Courtesy of Kazutoshi Ono)
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“Pop up” by Kazutoshi Ono. (Courtesy of Kazutoshi Ono)
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“Edgar’s Dandelion” by Jonathan Casey. (Courtesy of Jonathan Casey)
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“Little Daisy and her big future” by Darya Zelentsova. (Courtesy of Darya Zelentsova)
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“The first outdoor walk” by Darya Zelentsova. (Courtesy of Darya Zelentsova)
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“Keep your eye on the ball” by Gill Woodcock. (Courtesy of Gill Woodcock)
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“Bidule as goalkeeper!” by Felix Larcher. (Courtesy of Felix Larcher)
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“Ball Play Silhouette” by Christine Johnson. (Courtesy of Christine Johnson)

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