
Al Sharpton Demands Details on Don Lemon’s Firing by CNN

Civil Rights activist Rev. All Sharpton is demanding CNN explain why it fired anchor Don Lemon.

According to the New York Post, Sharpton, in a joint statement with Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League, said: “We are completely stunned at the termination of Don Lemon.

“Throughout his career, Don has been a superb journalist who was very open to the civil rights community on issues others wouldn’t touch … With the health of our democracy undergoing perhaps its greatest test, we cannot afford to silence his voice.”

Lemon announced his ouster on Twitter on Monday.

“I was informed this morning by my agent that I have been terminated by CNN,” he said. “I am stunned. After 17 years at CNN I would have thought that someone in management would have had the decency to tell me directly. At no time was I ever given any indication that I would not be able to continue to do the work I have loved at the network. It is clear that there are some larger issues at play.”

The news network maintained that Lemon was given an opportunity to meet with management. And CNN’s CEO Chris Licht confirmed in a statement that the news network and Lemon had parted ways.

Now, Sharpton and Morial say they want to know what Lemon was referring to when he wrote about “larger issues.”

“We would like to know what he alludes to when he said there are greater things at play, which is why we urge for a full explanation as to why he was let go in such a fashion,” they said in the statement.

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