
Ric Grenell Blames Biden for Escalating Tensions in the Middle East in Interview with Newsmax

In an interview with Newsmax on Friday, Ric Grenell, a former U.S. ambassador during the Trump administration, said that the current escalation of tensions in the Middle East is a direct result of President Joe Biden’s lack of diplomatic approach.

Grenell said: “Well, look, as a diplomat, let’s just be clear: This is a failure of diplomacy. We have failed to diplomatically solve the problem. What’s clear to me, too, is that we have funded this war.”

“Donald Trump had made Iran broke,” he said. “We isolated them. We rallied the world. We have worldwide sanctions on their oil and other products. Joe Biden released the sanctions.

“He gave them credit and cash to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. And so this war that we are now worried about, we’re watching, and we’re participating in … we actually, as American taxpayers, helped fund it.”

Speaking on “Greg Kelly Reports,” Grenell expressed concern over the impact of Biden’s policies on global peace. He contrasted them with Trump’s approach, stating, “Joe Biden’s policies are literally causing more war. Donald Trump’s policies? Well, as you know, we had peace between the Arabs and the Israelis.”

Explaining the shift in diplomatic stance, Grenell pointed out, “The opposite of America First is consensus with the Europeans, and the Europeans have always wanted us to engage with Iran. They did not like it when we were isolating Iran.

“They believed and many Democrats believe that engagement with the Iranians would produce an Iranian regime that somehow was a responsible member of the international community. So they engaged with them, and that’s why they did this thing called the JCPOA, which was the Iran deal that Obama started.”

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, signed in 2015 by Iran and several world powers, including the United States, imposed restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. Trump withdrew the United States from the deal in 2018, asserting it failed to address Iran’s missile program and regional influence. Subsequently, Iran began disregarding limitations on its nuclear program, according to the Council of Foreign Relations.

Reflecting on Trump’s decision, Grenell stated, “We got out of that deal and we said, Look, you’re never going to convince this radical regime to do the right thing. You’ve got to isolate them.”

He added: “So what’s been really clear is that Joe Biden doesn’t know how to do either policy. He was asked at the White House just a couple of days ago, ‘Do you blame Iran for this?’ And Joe Biden’s response was, ‘Well, I know that they funded it.’ And there’s only one answer: Yes, I blame Iran. And when the regime sees Joe Biden hedge, I do not blame them. They love it, and it’s gonna get worse.”


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Jim Thomas

Jim Thomas is a writer based in Indiana. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, a law degree from U.I.C. Law School, and has practiced law for more than 20 years.

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