
Tuberville Refuses to Back Down Amid Criticism Over Military Promotions Delay

A recent poll showed that 58% of likely voters in Alabama believe Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville should drop his hold on military promotions regarding the issue of armed forces reimbursing its members for abortions across state lines. However, Tuberville is not backing down until President Biden ends the policy. While 54% of Alabamians think the Pentagon policy is wrong and should be reversed, 55% believe Tuberville’s block on military promotions is hurting national security. As a result of Tuberville’s actions, some senators are considering changing rules to overcome one senator’s power to hold up promotions. Tuberville’s supporters believe he is standing up for Alabama values and doing what is morally and legally right. Tuberville’s office argues that his hold is not harming military readiness and cites the Biden administration’s handling of soldier discharges and its woke policies as factors affecting enlistments.

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