
WSJ Poll Reveals Trump Leading ‘Too Old’ Biden by 26 Points

A recent poll by The Wall Street Journal shows that a majority of registered US voters believe President Joe Biden is too old to run for president. Trump has a 26-point lead over Biden on the issue of age. Even two-thirds of Democrats believe Biden is too old to run again. The poll also indicates that Trump outperforms Biden in terms of cognitive condition, caring about the public, future vision, and presidential record. Biden’s favorability and job approval ratings are also low, with only 39% of voters having a favorable view of him and 42% approving of his job performance. In terms of the economy, only 28% believe Biden has made it better, while 58% believe it has gotten worse under his presidency. In a potential 2024 presidential rematch, Trump is tied with Biden in a head-to-head matchup, but leads by 1 point when considering third-party candidates. In the GOP presidential primary, Trump has a significant lead over other potential candidates. The poll was conducted by Democrat pollster GBAO and GOP pollster Lee, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5-4.0 percentage points.

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