
Biden’s most recent attempt to address the border issue is just more political theater

Team Biden is claiming to be processing asylum claims for some illegal migrants faster as a way to address the border issue. However, there is no concrete evidence that they will actually be denying the claims, despite the fact that many of them are false.

This move seems more like political theater aimed at convincing the media that Biden is taking action, even though little is being done to address the root of the problem.

It is clear that the White House is feeling the pressure from public opinion on this matter, but they are not willing to make any significant changes.

In addition, Biden continues to spread misinformation by claiming that inflation was at 9% when he took office, despite the fact that this is false.

This recent announcement also comes with a loophole – it only applies to migrants who claim they are headed to specific cities, which is likely to be easily exploited by those seeking to enter the country illegally.

It is evident that Biden has been focused more on legalizing illegal immigrants rather than stopping the inflow, which is a major concern for many Americans.

Overall, the administration’s actions seem more like a superficial attempt to address the border crisis rather than making any meaningful changes.

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