Democrats have lost all credibility by being complicit in the Biden cover-up
They did not honestly assess Joe Biden’s significant decline and make the decision, in his best interest as well as that of his party and the country, that he needed to resign.
Instead, they lied, and their deceit was exposed.
The Democratic Party’s official stance on President Biden was that he had delivered an exceptionally impactful State of the Union address. While he may have made occasional mistakes, he was improving with time.
They argued that he should be evaluated based on his accomplishments, which were said to rival those of LBJ. Any claims of his decline were dismissed as paranoid falsehoods or labeled as “cheap fakes.”
Despite what we observed with our own eyes, they insisted that nothing was amiss. There was no incident at the G-7 summit, no freezing up at a Hollywood fundraiser – everything was fine.
While there was no formal enforcement of this narrative, everyone in the Democratic circle knew to adhere to it – party leaders, journalists, and donors.
However, during a debate, the facade crumbled, and the party line became untenable.
Efforts were made to revive it, but the Democratic figures had to pivot to a new narrative, regardless of its connection to the previous one.
Former staunch supporters like Joe Scarborough and George Clooney publicly voiced concerns about Biden’s condition and urged him to step aside, causing discord in the party ranks.
The same Democratic establishment that presented Joe Biden as the only viable candidate now aims to promote Kamala Harris without providing Democratic voters a genuine choice.
They are asking the public to trust their narrative on Harris, just as they did with Biden, despite their previous deceit.
The same individuals who vouched for Biden’s capabilities are now expected to endorse Harris without question, showcasing the party’s hypocritical stance.
In conclusion, the individuals responsible for the misleading cover-up should not be able to move on without being held accountable for their actions, which should haunt their candidate and the party throughout the campaign.
Twitter: @RichLowry