Gavin Newsom supports harmful policies due to his wealth shielding him from the repercussions
Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom sure knows how to live: He’s relocating his family from Sacramento to Marin County so his oldest daughter can attend a $60,000-a-year private school.
Don’t worry, though: Good-Time Gavin has deigned to remain part-time in Cali’s capital.

Too bad. If Newsom went absentee, there’d be no one left to shepherd through the terrible policies that are ruining California.
Like, for example, a law taking effect in July that will make it impossible for schools to suspend middle- and high-school kids who act out by talking back to teachers and disrupting class.
Guaranteed to cause yet more chaos in public schools — but hey, Gavin’s kids won’t be affected.
He did the same thing during the pandemic, remember: He sent his kids to a private school that was open for in-person learning while most public schools remained shuttered.
Too bad for the suckers who can’t afford to shell out for tuition.
As the Peruvian caudillo Óscar Benavides once put it: “For my friends, everything. For my enemies, the law.”
It’s clear who Newsom’s enemies are: Average Californians slammed by his policies.
Look at the jobs picture.
The Not-So-Golden state’s labor economy is flabby, tied for the nation’s highest unemployment rate and with not a single city cracking the top 20 in a recent Wall Street Journal ranking of hot labor markets.
What about public safety?
The state crime rate has been trending higher, even as national crime cools, with reported violent crime the highest it’s been since 2008.
It’s also become an epicenter of illegal border crossings: San Diego County is now where border-jumpers from all around the world choose to pour through.
So the Newsoms’ school relocation maneuver is the story of Dem elites in a nutshell.
Back policies that ruin the quality of life for the less well-off — and then use your own vast resources to avoid the consequences.