
Potential Candidates for Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential Pick

Addressing the Potential Finalists for Donald Trump’s Vice President Selection

The Post’s Editorial Board has begun to narrow down the field of potential running mates for former President Donald Trump, but knowing Trump, there may still be surprises in store (“Veepstakes: Our Two Cents,” June 18).

Among the mentioned contenders, Gov. Doug Burgum and Sen. Marco Rubio appear to be strong choices, while Sen. J.D. Vance is seen as lacking in experience.

Trump has historically valued smart, strong, and intelligent women of character in his endeavors, and choosing one as a vice president could add further strength to his ticket. Speculations abound as Trump remains close-lipped about his ultimate choice.

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is put forward as a great pick due to her accomplishments, projection of strength, and experience in both politics and the military.

Her independent stance and witnessing the Democratic Party’s downfall could attract voters who share similar sentiments.

Betsy Flor

Putnam Valley

I concur with the assessment of Burgum as a strong contender for Trump’s running mate.

Preserving stability in the United States necessitates electing individuals with proven leadership abilities. With this in mind, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo should be considered a top contender due to his statesmanship and demeanor, which could guide the country through current global challenges.

Karl Miller

White Plains

Having voted for Trump twice, I am hesitant to do so again if Vance becomes his running mate. Rubio, with his extensive public service record, would be my top choice. While Burgum is a respectable option, a younger VP might be more suitable given Trump’s age and his opponent’s age.

Susan Green


Considering Burgum and Rubio as sensible choices, I would advocate for Nikki Haley as a potential vice president. Haley garnered support in the primaries and could bring in a substantial number of voters. With a strong resume and campaigning skills, Haley could elevate Trump’s ticket. Rubio could potentially assume Senate GOP leadership from McConnell in the future.

Rick Meyer

Pinehurst, NC

Burgum is a solid option, but Sen. Tom Cotton is preferred by some due to his national prominence, military experience, and resistance to political correctness. Cotton’s youth and appeal in the South could aid Trump’s chances in the upcoming election.

John Kane

Las Vegas, Nev.

Two conservative governors, Doug Burgum and Glenn Youngkin, have emerged as potential VP picks for Trump, with governors being viewed as better candidates due to their governance experience. The track record of ex-senators as presidents is questioned, underlining the importance of selecting candidates with proven leadership qualities.

J.R. Cummings


Doug Burgum’s business acumen makes him a strong contender for VP, given the need for a capable successor if required.

Patricia Fletcher

Massappequa Park

Vivek Ramaswamy, known for his boldness and debate prowess, is praised for his capabilities and relatively young age. Some believe he could handle any task assigned by Trump effectively.

Anna Szabo

Union, NJ

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