The Obama/Biden arm-grab sparked doubts about the president’s fitness for office
They were only 10 words but wow, did they spark a reaction.
I watched the viral clip of Barack Obama taking a frozen Joe Biden by the arm and leading him off stage at their star-studded $30 million LA fundraiser, and posted on X what I suspect everyone who watched it was thinking: “So embarrassing. The Democrats can’t let this go on, surely?”
Within a few hours, a staggering 7.5 million people had viewed my post and many thousands of those had liked, reposted or commented on it.
As I thought, the vast majority shared my honestly held opinion that President Biden is no longer fit for the highest office in America.

I don’t mean that he’s too incompetent for the job, although many would say he is.
No, I mean that he’s too physically and mentally unfit to function at the extremely high level required to be leader of not just the United States, but also the free world.
When the last Democrat to occupy the White House has to literally grab the current one because he notices he’s had yet another “senior moment” and appears to be paralyzed like a statue on stage, it has to be the wake-up call everyone in the party must urgently heed before it’s too late, doesn’t it?
We’re only five months away from the 2024 general election, but what is now painfully obvious is that Joe Biden’s already cooked as a candidate.

There is not a snowball’s chance in hell that he can possibly get through another four-year term of presidency — and everyone knows it.
This is a once very eloquent, fast-talking, firebrand senator (Yes, really. See his blistering 1986 speech from a Senate committee hearing in which he rails magnificently against apartheid South Africa, to see what I mean) who can now barely speak without talking gibberish, nor walk quicker than a snail on Mogadon, and who keeps falling over or forgetting what he’s supposed to be doing or saying.
It’s long gone beyond the stage of being novel to watch.
Biden is supposed to be America’s commander-in-chief but, at what is a very dangerous time for the world, I wouldn’t trust him now to order a restaurant meal let alone a military strike.
So why is he still running?
Why has nobody told him to stand aside for the good of the party and country,
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