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WH: Biden ‘Fine’ After Fall at Air Force Graduation

The White House says President Joe Biden is fine after he tripped on a sandbag and fell to his knees during a U.S. Air Force Academy commencement ceremony in Colorado on Thursday.

“He’s fine,” Ben LaBolt, the White House communications director, tweeted. “There was a sandbag on stage while he was shaking hands.”

Biden, 80, had just delivered a speech to the Air Force graduates before helping to hand out diplomas.

He fell after he gave out the final diploma and was headed back to his seat.

The spill will likely add to chatter about the president’s age and fitness ahead of a 2024 presidential run.

Asked about his age after he announced he was running again, Biden said it would be up to voters to judge “whether or not I have it or don’t have it.”

“I respect them taking a hard look at it — I’d take a hard look at it, as well. I took a hard look at it before I decided to run, and I feel good. I feel excited about the prospects,” he told ABC.

Former President Donald Trump, when told about Biden’s fall, responded: “I hope he’s not hurt. The whole thing is crazy. You got to be careful about that. … even if you have to tiptoe down the ramp.

“At the Air Force Academy? That’s not inspiring,” Trump said while campaigning in Iowa.

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