World News

British neonatal nurse found guilty of murdering 7 babies denied appeal

A neonatal nurse from Britain, Lucy Letby, who was found guilty of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder six others, has been denied permission to appeal her conviction.

Lucy Letby, 34, had requested to challenge the verdict after she was sentenced to life in prison last year. A three-judge panel of the Court of Appeal in Britain heard her case in April and announced their decision on Friday.

“After reviewing her appeal application, we have made the decision to reject all grounds for appeal and deny any related applications,” Judge Victoria Sharp stated. “A detailed judgment will be provided in the near future.”

The jury at Manchester Crown Court had found her guilty of the offenses committed between June 2015 and June 2016 at the neonatal unit in the Countess of Chester Hospital in northwestern England.

Unlike many defendants in British courts, individuals do not automatically have the right to appeal their cases. They must seek permission to appeal based on specific legal issues.

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